New Years has never really been my favorite holiday. The last two years I had duty on NYE and this year I think we celebrated just as I would of liked to in, the comfort of our home, surrounded by all the things that we built in 2010.
2010, it was a year for the books. This time last year I was making the decision to move my wedding up to the summer, which looking back probably wasn't the greatest idea ( with everyone moving, starting new jobs, etc.) but I'm still glad I did it then. And the second half of the year brought us an unexpected but very welcome surprise when we found out we were expecting our first little boy. I feel like 2011 will be the year all about him, but its a little early to tell.
I came up with a few things that I would like to accomplish this year, I don't really like the idea of making resolutions, but I thought it would be good to have a list of at least a few things I would like to do. None of them are earth shattering but are important to me.
1. Get in shape (during and after the baby comes)
2. Learn to cook and make healthier meals
3. Utilize menus
4. Use coupons consistently
5. Scrapbook
6. Blog more
7. Try to get less worked up about little things
8. Start sending more hand written notes
9. Improve my handwriting
10. Start sewing again
11. Save money
12. Read at least one none romance novel a month
Again they aren't anything large scale and are pretty random but I have them written down to keep me aware of them. These days I find that I like having lists, and that is my list for 2011.
Rudy is traveling this week so it is just me and the pups and I have a list of projects I am trying to accomplish. I will blog about some of them later (its on one of my lists!).