Thursday, September 6, 2012

~Don't Know Much About History~

Don't know much biology.  But I do know that I love you. And I know that if you love me too, what a wonderful world this would be!!

Thinking of a title for this post made this song pop into my head and I can't seem to get it out.  Election season is in full swing, and in the Rivera household we have been watching both the Republican and the Democratic conferences.  

When I think back to this time four years ago, I didn't know my husband. The closest link I had to him was he was a teacher of my best friend's course she was taking. In fact, I didn't know Rudy until after President Obama had already been elected.  

One of the first conversations Rudy and I ever had was about the Kennedy Family.  While grading tests, I noticed that my instructor was also reading a book about Robert Kennedy.  What was most fascinating was that while he was reading, he was diligently highlighting passages of the book that he liked.  I have long had a fascination with the Kennedy family so this was an easy topic for us and I started asking him questions about what he was highlighting.  This was my first indication that my future husband was a history nerd. 

This election season is probably the first in my life that I have actually enjoyed and paid attention to, and its all because of Rudy.   I have always enjoyed my share of history (second only to math), but it is clear that history may be my husband's passion.  Every night of these conventions I have sat in awe listening to his explanations and theories and ideas about what today's politicians are selling.  He truly enjoys watching the speeches, absorbing the key points, and formulating an opinion about the topic.  

While I have seen so many sides of my husband throughout our relationship, this politics loving side, where he truly flourishes, and often doesn't lean particularly one way or the other, is amazing to see.  I can ask question after question on any of the current election topics, and he quietly paints a description of both sides of the issue.  And if he doesn't know the answer (I ask a lot of questions :)) he takes the time to find out more information for me.  

I'm glad I have him to guide me through this election season. Rudy makes me want to learn more this time around and I am feeling more and more educated each day about what the differences between the candidates are.   

 I knew our love of the Kennedy Family was a nice little commonality we had between us, but these conventions have further proven that some things are simply meant to be.  I know some about history, am learning a lot about politics, and love my history major husband.  

And since we stayed up late to watch Bill Clinton and both look worse for wear, here is one of my favorite pictures of us from long ago...

1 comment:

  1. When I think back to this time four years ago, I didn't know my husband.

    You and me both!! I enjoyed this post!



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