Tuesday, January 10, 2012

~Things I learned From This Month's Real Simple~

Since the magazine began being published, I have had a small obsession with Real Simple.  I don't know if its the texture of the paper, or how the magazine pages are slightly wider than a normal magazines, but there is something about it that I love.  Maybe it is the never ending tidbits of information the pages hold.  

While I would like a subscription, and could easily procure one with a few clicks of the mouse, Mr. Rivera is highly sensitive about too many magazine subscriptions, so most times I either whine about getting it and stick it in the cart at Target or sneak it into the house after one of solo trips to Target.  Yes, I spend far too much time at Target.  There may or may not of been a comment made in the Rivera household which suggested I only purchase one canister of formula at a time to ensure I maintain weekly trips to Target.  I digress.

This month's Real Simple is full of lots of little fun facts and I thought I would share a few that I didn't know before and maybe you didn't either.

1. You should replace your sponge every couple of weeks, and at the end of everyday sterilize a wet sponge, either by putting it in the microwave for one minute or by running it through the dishwasher.

2. An easy way to fluff a wrinkled load of clothing is by throwing a damp towel in with the load and restarting the dryer.

3. Apparently the office version of mom jeans is called mom slacks, which have a pleated front and a high waste.  Pleats make me shudder.

4. To help lighten sun spots on your face, three times a week gently rub a strawberry on discolored areas, leaving the juice on your face for two minutes before rinsing.

5.  Americans have a median household debt of more than $200,000.

6.  Theres an entire three page article on sentimental clutter, which I am extremely guilty of.  

7.  In a survey of approximately 1000 readers, it was found that 49% spent at least three hours a week on social media sites.

8.  Baking with cold eggs and dairy products results in dense cakes and breads.  Room temperature products helps produce a light and airy baked good.  

These fun facts and so many more can be found in the monthly Real Simple Magazines or at RealSimple.com

1 comment:

  1. Dani. I love the new blog layout. Fabulous.

    I too love Real Simple but I detest buying magazines in stores and my postman would kill me if I signed up for one more subscription. I don't think it would literally fit in my box.

    (Laura speaking)



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