Dear Pinterest,
You have stolen my creative thunder. I used to think of myself as somewhat creative, if I had a project in mind I could figure out a way to do it that would make me happy with my final result. Occasionally I would browse the internet for an idea here or there, but most of the time my projects were based off of my vision.
And then I met you this summer. Like any new romance, you wooed me with your pretty pictures and unlimited innovative ideas. I merely pinned idea after idea of all the wonderful things I could make, bake, or buy. Your love knew no bounds.
Yet as you stole my heart, you also stole my individual thinking. Every time I think to make a project, I have to sit down at my computer and see if there were any pins regarding what I want to do. And you can never just have one new pin. One pin leads to ten pins, and ten pins lead to twenty better projects than the original idea I had in my head. And after all of the pinning I am left with more projects I would like to do and no projects started.
I used to start and finish projects, and then I met you. Now once I start a project I have to hold your hand to make sure I am doing just like (or better than) the pin I have found, which completely takes away the 'me' touches from the project.
Even the husband has noticed my obsession with you. While he used to say, 'Dan, what are you doing on facebook?' (yes, he calls me Dan, he thinks it's a pet name, isn't he nice?) now he says, 'Dan, what are you doing on pinterest?' or 'Dan when are you going to make one of those things you pinned.' And the fact that he knows what you are and can call you by name may be an indication that I talk about you a tad too much.
He also blames you for my non stop desire to redecorate my home. Because as you already know, when I get an idea on how to change one of the rooms in my home, I turn to you, give you a few choice words, and naturally you counter with several pins and boards, which turn my little home sprucing projects into extreme makeover home edition projects.
Not too many moons ago, I hand made each of my wedding invitations. While it wasn't the easiest task, and I contemplated quitting several times, I finished them, and I still have a few of them saved to remind me of a project I completed. A project I completed without you Dear Pinterest. And while you often make me wish I was having another wedding, a 'Pinterest inspired wedding' (my Kelley and I often talk of how 'different' our weddings would of been if Pinterest had been around), my invitations remind me of a wedding that I loved, my wedding, full of my visions and ideas.
I don't mean to hate on you my dear wonderful Pinterest. You have provided me several recipes, helpful tips, and ideas for things to come (that I might actually be able to accomplish). And you are a pretty, organized, pleasing to the eye place to store them.
I guess the moral of my rant is that I need to stop pinning and start doing. Stop looking to you to feed my addiction, and reclaim the creativity that once focused my efforts. But as Scarlett O'Hara says, 'I'll think about that tomorrow,' only after I spent some time with you my beloved Pinterest.
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