Wednesday, February 8, 2012

~ Working Mom Confessions~

Today I am linking up for mid-week confessions, focusing mine on my working mom confessions.  I am playing hooky today, waiting to take a sick Rowen to the doctor.  Here goes...

~This morning as I sat in the dark of Rowen's room cradling my sick little boy, I felt guilty about taking the day off to take care of him.  I constantly have this overwhelming feeling that I have to go to work every day and that if I'm not there things wont get done, which is far from the truth.  My job could survive without me.  In general I feel guilty taking time off, which may explain why I have 80 days of leave I haven't used. 

~I feel like my career forces me to choose between it and my family.  I never feel like family will be able to come first in what I currently do, and that is high on my list of reasons why I might change jobs in the next few years.

~Even though I like these occasional surprise days when I get to stay home, I know I could never do this permanently.  After ten weeks of maternity leave, I was starting to go stir crazy.  I may get green with envy over SAHM more than I would like to admit, but I don't think I could hack it as a SAHM.

~ I worry that I will miss the important moments with Rowen (and future children) while they are at daycare and I am working.  Will he say his first word to one of his teachers instead of us? If he does I pray that they have the grace to not tell me and let us experience these firsts for ourselves.

~While I have been highly productive today during naps and crossing a lot off on my to do list, I think if I was a SAHM I would become addicted to daytime television, have a messy house, and spend endless hours on Pinterest.

Ok, I think thats all for now, thanks for letting me confess!


  1. oh I can totally relate! I am a working momma too and it's hard! Have a great day! ~Andrea

  2. I know what you are saying about the working vs staying at home envy. I go back and forth all the time. As much as I would love to stay home, I don't know if I could hack it 24/7. Then I feel guilty when I am working...never ending cycle. Hope your baby is feeling better!

  3. i love your honesty! a lot of us mamas can definitely relate :)

  4. oh and I meant to say--hope little Rowan feels better soon!

  5. I worry about being a SAHM sometime... because when I am home alone, I get NOTHING done! HA!

  6. It is like you took the thoughts out of my head and wrote a post! I have so much mom guilt for Caden being at daycare but I know that I couldn't be a SAHM all the time eitther. I hope one of these days I will find some balance.



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